Prizm Content Connect
JSP Samples

JSP samples are based on C# samples implementing objects of PccViewerServices Library Module.

JSP Samples requires Apache Tomcat 6 or higher to be installed. Apache Ant™ 1.9 or higher and Java JDK 1.6 is required compile the sample WAR file.

The structure of the JSP samples is described in following table:

build.xml Ant build script.
PccViewerServices/ Sub-module with PccViewerServices library implementation.
Sample/ Web module with JSP and Java code.
 Sample/public_html/ Web resources folder, it stores the JSP sample files.
Sample/public_html/WEB-INF/lib/ Sample web application runtime libraries folder.
target/ Folder created by build.xml script. It contains compiled and assembled code, i.e. PCCSample.war.

Use following files to configure the web application:

It might be necessary to configure the values in web.xml to fit your local Prizm Service installation.

Following table describes the Prizm configuration parameter values and its purpose:

Parameter Name (param-name) Parameter Value (param-value) Description
  • Windows (only):
    True or False 
When set to True, this parameter restricts the web tier samples to load documents from the path specified by DocumentPath. Otherwise, it allows loading documents from any path.
  • Windows:
  • Linux:
Path where the source documents are located.
  • Windows:
  • Linux:
Path where the temporary cache files are located.
  • Windows:
  • Linux:
Path where the temporary markup files are located.
WebServiceScheme http Prizm Service REST API web service scheme.
WebServiceHost localhost Prizm Service REST API web service hostname.
WebServicePort 18680 Prizm Service Proxy REST API web service port number.

The JSP samples can be compiled using Apache Ant™ compiler.

On Windows, this can be achieved by executing the following set of commands on command line terminal (cmd.exe):

Copy Code
cd C:\Prizm\Samples\Html5\jsp
set ANT_HOME=C:\apache-ant-1.9.0
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_43
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
ant clean
ant war

Note that the above example commands assume:

On Linux, please refer to documentation how to install Apache Ant™ as described at

Then, issue the ant compiler commands inside JSP sample root folder, e.g.:

Copy Code
# cd /usr/share/prizm/Samples/html5/jsp/
# ant clean
# ant war

The result of a successful build is the PCCSample.war file located in target folder under JSP sample root folder.

Follow the Tomcat documentation instructions on how to redeploy newly compiled PCCSample.war.



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